Meditation and the practice of mindful, purposeful, conscious living is taught sequentially. Each series is designed to move each individual and group through an evolutionary process, deepening, quickening and revealing True Self, through meditation, study and service. The series are listed below.
New Beginning Mindfulness Meditation Classes start periodically, and are not always available. One must start at the beginning, regardless of previous experience, and continue through the curriculum in sequence. Please contact Suchitra at 610-544-4629 or [email protected] to inquire. Please visit her website at
1. Beginning Mindfulness Meditation, 3 week series, $100 Overview of basic non-dual concepts, alignment, grounding the practice
2. Mindfulness Meditation II, 3 week series $100 Deepening the basics, supporting the home practice
3. Hindrances to Mindfulness, 6 week series $125 Study of hindrances to mindfulness as taught by the Buddha, tools for staying in the Now
4. Living Mindfulness, 6 week series $125 Daily life as the practice, empowerment
5. Heaven to Earth, 6 week series $125 Living fully as Soul, as awareness Itself
6. Introduction to the Chakras, 8 week series $145 Study and overview of the chakra system,seeing what conditioning remains to clear and be released
7. Going Deeper with the Chakras, as long as it takes series $140 7 WKS Experiential in-depth group/ individual process, seeing/living deeply, releasing the past, being fully in the Present Now.
8. Heart Space, ongoing Meditation, teaching, sharing, graduates of the curriculum only
Why learn to meditate? Our lives today are bombarded with busyness and stress of all sorts. A sense of powerlessness and confusion seems rampant. There is no external peace or apparent "safe place to be." It is imperative then that we turn inward and find a way to access infinite peace and constant strength and courage to be with what is in each moment.
This curriculum is designed to awaken and open each person to their innate wholeness and true ground of Being. Each participant will establish a personal meditation practice and be expected to keep a meditation journal of his/her experiences. We will discuss the obstacles and distractions which are certain to appear and learn how to embrace and work with these as part of our practice. We will also contemplate teachings and poetry which will inspire us to cultivate more presence in our lives, particularly for the difficult places. We will discover the power of Silence and the benevolence of living a life from the inside out, inspired by the still voice within. We will cultivate together a "safe place to be" which cannot be altered or shaken by anything external, which is ever present and available within.
Please consider making a commitment to meditation and awakening to what is Real.